This Sunday, I got a tattoo of Tyagaraja Swami on my left arm, just below the elbow. It is extremely painful and my hand is still aching, but I think it looks really cool! And it’s well worth all the pain, because I have the saint etched on my hand permanently!
Here’s a picture of the tattoo.

9:27 PM
One word - Unbecoming!
2:15 AM
ewwww!!that is so gross!!
2:20 AM
that is sooooooo not cool dude!!!
2:31 AM
who is this freaky sasikiran?the tatoo looks nice but not on his hand!!!!!!!what does he do?ballet? he would sure look funny in a tutu or does he do tap dancing?ok ok just kidding.
11:26 PM
Nice one! Looks awesome; and it takes some devotion to have his image etched into your arm forever. Good for you.
8:23 AM
1:15 AM
that is sooooo sexy!!!
8:13 AM
Wow, Shashi, great job!
8:30 PM
Impressive!! I admire Tyagaraja Swamy very much but never thought of something this deep. My best wishes to you.
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